02 April 2012

Cure for heartburn: herbal tea

It isn’t easy to get a gallon of water in each day — particularly not in the third trimester when it feels like the baby is taking over my entire abdomen. Adding to the difficulty is my heartburn. For the first few weeks of March, I had terrible heartburn from lunch until bedtime (and sometimes through the night). Not fun.

It's easy to keep track of how much I'm drinking each day when I make quart jars of tea.
On the recommendation of my midwife, I started making cold herbal tea and drinking that each day. In addition to giving my body some extra minerals and offering a taste alternative to plain water, it has an added benefit: No heartburn!

I have to confess I’m amazed that drinking so much water was the cause of my heartburn. Isn’t water supposed to be good for you? And I do love a big cold glass of it.

But I’d much prefer not having heartburn. So if heartburn is troubling you, try giving herbal tea a chance.

Because I'm going through so much tea, I order it in bulk through Amazon. A case comes with six boxes.
I make mine in quart jars. Fill it with water and add four tea bags of your choice. I typically do two bags of the Celestial Seasoning Sweet Zinger Ice in either acai mango or wild berry (sweetened with stevia, no calories); a bag of red raspberry leaf or another pregnancy blend; and a bag of decaf green tea or any other flavor I have around. I let it steep for awhile on the counter and then throw it in the fridge because I can drink cold beverages again. (During my first trimester I had to have room temperature or warm drinks. Strange, I know.)

What other tricks have you used to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy?

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