31 May 2011

DIY: Raised garden beds in an hour

Did it HERself, in fact. And I feel very proud of myself.

The husband has been traveling a lot lately for work. We’ve recently moved into a new house, and yes, there’s a lot to do. I was determined to put in a garden this year. During one of our over-the-fence chats, my neighbor asked if I was going to do a raised bed. I’d never thought of it, but that would be a nice way to set the garden off and keep things contained. I’m in the city now, so I don’t want a huge garden. Just enough to give us some food for dinner now and then.

During another over-the-fence chat, my master-gardener neighbor told me she buys dirt and mulch in 25-pound bags from Home Depot. It’s easier to schlep around, she confessed. Hmmm... I was wondering how I’d get a dump truck full of dirt and/or mulch (and who I would order it from down here), and where I would dump it in the small yard I have now. Plus, getting stuff in bags suddenly made things very doable for me.

I loaded up the toddler and we headed off to Home Depot that night.

I found a bin in back of the lumber area where they sell scrap boards for 50¢. Score! I grabbed four 5-foot by 6-inch boards, being careful not to get any pre-treated lumber. I don’t want those nasty chemicals leaching into my veggies.

Then I headed over to the garden center. A nice young guy helped me load up my cart and then unload it into my truck. Score again.

Back at home, I found my power screwgun (which every woman should have) and some two-and-a-half-inch nails. I put three in each side. Then I dug a bit of a trench along three sides of the new garden bed. My yard slopes towards the fence and I wanted the garden bed to be level. I popped the boards in, unloaded the bags from the truck (which I had parked as close as I could), and walah.

One hour later I had a new raised garden bed.

Course then I decided I needed another one the same size and a smaller one for herbs. Back to Home Depot. The 6-inch pre-cut boards I needed were gone, of course, so I settled for some longer ones that a store employee cut down to size for me. The hubby was home that day, but it was nice not to have to ask him to cut the boards for me. I could remain self-sufficient. I opted for cedar this time, instead of regular wood, on the advice of my dad. It’ll withstand the weather better.

Again, it was less than an hour and I had two new garden beds. Time to plant!


  1. Hi, I followed you here from your profile on the SENA message list. I am your neighbor from across the alley, two houses down (the one with the kid toys scattered everywhere). Welcome to the neighborhood! I've been meaning to come over and say "Hi", but you've always looked so busy in your garage.

  2. We're never too busy to chat with the neighbors! Come on over next time you see us out :)


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