24 June 2011

Surprise proposal

It went like this... I'd just gotten back after a week in the Carribean on the island of St. Croix with my mom and aunt. So I hadn't seen my boyfriend of 2 years in a week, and we decided to spend the whole weekend together. On Sunday, we went over to his parents in Isanti to take the Honda crotch rocket out of storage. I was so excited to go for a ride, but his parents weren't around. We had to wait awhile to get the bike down. I said, “Ya know, we don't have to do this today but can wait until tomorrow.” For some reason, he was insistent.

This is where the boy I had known since high school asked me to marry him: The Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis. My aunt gave us this painting by Nancy Patrick Carney for our wedding. It's up in our house to remind us of what a special role the bridge played in our lives.

We met at his apartment, went inside and then headed out for our afternoon ride. Jesse drove us to the Stone Arch Bridge in downtown Minneapolis and we got out to take a walk. It was a gorgeous April day. It was just ending, and he suggested that we watch the sun set from the bridge. A sunset over Minneapolis is one of my favorite things, so I readily agreed.

We sat out there for like a half an hour, and it was starting to get cold. I noticed Jesse was shaking. Knowing we were out there so I could enjoy the sunset, I told him we could leave since he was cold. He said, “No, we can stay awhile longer.”

Then all of a sudden he said it. “Tesha will you marry me?” And I turned to look at him, thinking he wasn't serious (as we'd never once before talked about getting married), and there was a jewel box with a gorgeous diamond inside.


It was definitely a surprise. Especially considering he'd been making disparaging remarks about married folks for months. Apparently it was to prepare me – and keep me completely out of the loop so he could surprise me.

He had to warn me not to shake the box so the loose diamond wouldn't go flying into the Mississippi River.

I carried that box around with me for the next two weeks until we picked out a ring. It's the most beautiful ring ever.

And the proposal - well, it was the sweetest ever, don't you think?

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